Social Media Marketing Blog Archives

Why generating leads with Facebook ads is worth your time 

Why generating leads with Facebook ads is worth your time 

Do you want to transform your business lead generation? Social media is a fantastic tool for generating leads, and Facebook is one of the best! Facebook is undeniably the largest social network, with currently 3 billion users worldwide. The social networks which are...

How to create a winning social media strategy

How to create a winning social media strategy

At its core, social media is an opportunity for you to interact with both your existing customers as well as potential new customers.    A strong social media strategy allows you to give your customers improved customer service, whilst at the same time providing you...

A step-by-step guide to using LinkedIn for lead generation

A step-by-step guide to using LinkedIn for lead generation

There is so much advice on the web outlining how LinkedIn can produce lead generation for your business that it can all get a bit confusing. Which techniques are best? Should some techniques be deployed first or in a particular order? Or is the key to successful lead...

5 effortless & effective LinkedIn tips for B2B sales 

5 effortless & effective LinkedIn tips for B2B sales 

Let’s be clear, LinkedIn isn’t intended to be a sales tool. However, if you’re good at sales, LinkedIn can be an incredibly effective channel to reach a wide audience and to find opportunities to start conversations with prospects. LinkedIn is particularly effective...

Why you and your business should use LinkedIn for B2B leads

Why you and your business should use LinkedIn for B2B leads

LinkedIn can offer your business more than self-promotion and potential business contacts. Through careful planning and utilisation, you can harness this powerful B2B professional network to generate lasting and profitable sales and leads.  Four out of five...

Use LinkedIn to generate leads (7 tips that actually work!)

Use LinkedIn to generate leads (7 tips that actually work!)

Creating a profile on LinkedIn is no longer enough to boost brand awareness, generate leads and encourage potential customers to engage with your business.  62% of B2B marketers generate leads on LinkedIn successfully, but you have to use LinkedIn effectively to get...

4 free ways to market your business (in under 60 minutes)

4 free ways to market your business (in under 60 minutes)

We get it, when you launch a new business it’s very unlikely that you’ll have a huge amount of money to spend on digital marketing straight away. But in a classic chicken-and-egg situation, if you have no marketing – how are you supposed to get customers and make...

6 unbeatable LinkedIn tips to grow your business

6 unbeatable LinkedIn tips to grow your business

LinkedIn is a great social media marketing tool to help you grow your business by reaching B2B audiences and raising awareness of your brand. According to research, 80% of all B2B social media leads are generated on LinkedIn. However, it’s not as simple as setting up...

How to write a good connection invite for LinkedIn

How to write a good connection invite for LinkedIn

LinkedIn has over 30 million users in the UK alone and 40% of B2B marketers say LinkedIn is the most effective platform for driving high-quality leads (source). In light of this, it’s no surprise that LinkedIn is one of the most popular social media platforms for B2B...

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