Digital Marketing Blog Archives

Tools we swear by to make remote working easy for clients

Tools we swear by to make remote working easy for clients

This year more businesses than ever before have started to explore remote working as part of their long term business strategy – not only can it save on physical office space costs, it also opens up more options for clients since location is no longer such a big...

Everything Digital Marketing For Independent Businesses

Everything Digital Marketing For Independent Businesses

Running your own business is enough work on it's own before you even start to think about the digital marketing side of it. But the truth is that getting your digital marketing strategy right can often be the key to increasing brand awareness, getting more leads and...

How to pick the right agency as a marketing consultant

How to pick the right agency as a marketing consultant

When you’re an independent marketing consultant or coordinator, you want to make sure you pick the right agency to work with – not only to ensure you get the best results that build your own reputation but also to make your day to day operations as easy as possible....

How to make life easier as a marketing consultant

How to make life easier as a marketing consultant

Life as a marketing consultant is not always straightforward but it can also be incredibly rewarding when done correctly. Over the years we’ve worked with a number of independent marketing consultants and we’ve noticed a few common challenges that they all tend to run...

The 5 best ways to increase your website traffic

The 5 best ways to increase your website traffic

There are a number of reasons your business might have a website – it could be to sell products and services directly, to raise awareness of your brand or even to showcase your portfolio. Regardless of your website’s purpose, one fact is unavoidable: your website...

Is indirect marketing the right boost for your business?

Is indirect marketing the right boost for your business?

When you think of marketing, the first things that come to mind will probably be direct marketing tactics like email offers, search ads and paid social media campaigns – all of these can work well for some audiences but with the digital landscape becoming more crowded...

What should digital marketing look like post COVID-19?

What should digital marketing look like post COVID-19?

As we went into lockdown and slowly got used to the new ways of managing a business, a number of things shifted in the way that brands marketed and promoted themselves. This has left a mark on the world of marketing for the foreseeable future – changing circumstances...

Optimise the digital customer journey and grow sales online

Optimise the digital customer journey and grow sales online

Almost every business has a presence online. But not every business is equal. Even if you have a website and social media profile like your competitor, they may be getting higher sales because they’re creating better digital customer journeys. Customers online are...

How to connect with your audience and grow customer base

How to connect with your audience and grow customer base

In a world where customers are becoming increasingly immune to old-school marketing tricks, creating a genuine connection with your audience is the key to long term growth and business success. But how are you supposed to create a genuine connection when digital...

How can digital marketers provide support through COVID-19?

How can digital marketers provide support through COVID-19?

With the world on lockdown and vulnerable people at risk, lots of us are finding ways to help our communities on a personal level – but how can we contribute on a professional level? Digital marketing experts can be especially helpful at a time when almost all sales...

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