Digital Marketing Blog Archives

How to keep your business alive online

How to keep your business alive online

With only essential stores being allowed to be kept open and everyone being advised to stay in their homes during the COVID-19 pandemic, a lot of small businesses who rely heavily on footfall in their local communities are struggling to maintain sales. If you’re...

Google Tag Manager for your website: a beginner’s guide

Google Tag Manager for your website: a beginner’s guide

What is Google Tag Manager? Google Tag Manager is a tag management system that allows you to add snippets of code (tags) to your website without manually editing the code within the website structure itself. It is particularly useful for marketers working with SEO or...

Key Marketing Terms You Need to Know For Your Business

Key Marketing Terms You Need to Know For Your Business

Digital marketing is essential to the growth of most businesses. However, if you’re not in the business of marketing yourself, it can often be difficult to understand all the terms and jargon being used by your marketing team. Luckily, we’ve pulled together a list of...

Why and how should you tell your brand’s story?

Why and how should you tell your brand’s story?

Every business has a story — whether it’s a funny one, an erratic one or a smooth-sailing one. When using your brand’s story to your advantage, it’s not really about what your story is, but instead, how it’s told. You may think that your business doesn’t really...

The ultimate guide to GDPR and why it’s important for you

The ultimate guide to GDPR and why it’s important for you

On the 25th May 2018, there will be some huge changes happening to the laws and regulations surrounding the management of personal data by businesses within the UK and the European Union. You may assume that your business is careful with how it manages people's and...

Who regulates internet marketing?

Who regulates internet marketing?

Every good business that hopes to conquer the web knows that the key to succeeding on the World Wide Web is to implement a strong internet marketing strategy. Yet who determines what is allowed and appropriate? Who regulates it? As a business it is important that you...

Inbound marketing “in a nutshell”

Inbound marketing “in a nutshell”

Unlike outbound marketing which is costly and outdated; inbound marketing strives to get your business found by consumers by leveraging your web content and bringing them direct to your website. At the same time, inbound marketing aims to benefit your audience and...

How internet marketing has changed

How internet marketing has changed

It is scary to think how dependent we have become on the internet since CERN made it free 22 years ago. Since then this medium has gone on to allow us to share stories and updates with our friends from across the world at a click of a button, as well as making...

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